To evaluate the SUGAR AR application, the SUGAR consortium has organised an implementation workshop in two parts at the Cyprus University of Technology and University of Cyprus in Limassol and Nicosia respectively. During the implementation phase, we have invited the wider public in both cities to engage with the activities and offer feedback both in the process of participation and in the case study itself.

The implementation and analysis during the workshop operated on two levels. First, at the level of the SUGAR project, the participants have made use of the equipment and took part in AR activities that aimed to examine and evaluate the successfulness of said activities and equipment in facilitating meaningful participation. Second, at the level of the case-studies in hand, the participants have provided visual feedback on the schemes and engaged in co-creation design activities that pertain to the aims of encouraging meaningful participation. Their creations have been shared publicly through the page of the project in social media and the website. In addition, these have will be delivered to the municipality for further actions.