The SUGAR team concluded its third meeting at Harvard University in the USA from the 19th to the 25th of July 2019. The project team carried out a Design Thinking workshop in the Google Design Sprint format with participants from the internationally renowned Zofnass Program for Sustainability, our SUGAR international partners.

The workshop aimed at creating a prototype that utilizes Augmented Reality technology to encourage public participation in the decision-making process regarding the development of the built environment of the city. The team presented and took into account June’s consultations and living lab with public and stakeholders noting down that a successful project will cultivate trust, transparency and reduce the risk for the stakeholders involved by a repeated process of education, empowerment and capturing accurately opinions that leads to decisions. The system must comply with current bureaucratic processes and can be easily integrated into the daily habits of the public. This is accurately depicted with the following diagram:

The prototype that has been created will be further developed in order to be used in a participatory design workshop with the public that will take place in November in Cyprus. The workshop refers to an on-going project that is at the design stage in Anglatzia, Nicosia: the extension of Akadimias Avenue towards Athalassa. The Municipality of Aglantzia has expressed its support for the objectives of the project and provides the necessary information for the development of the application.